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Private Channeling - Phase 1

(text received by channeling)

I am the one who is. Channeling, phase 1. As you receive a Phase 1 channeling session expect getting into your mission in life, your home on this earth, your physical body, while remaining a spiritual Being.

The channeling is received by Line Dagenais, a life coach in energy healing. This phase 1 channeling is equivalent to receiving Divine Love itself and shine in all its glory.

Line Dagenais channels the divine love and will help you regain all your gifts from your previous lives manifested in Love. Line also energetically cleans your whole physical body as well as your subtle bodies and past lives that you don't need anymore. An opening of the heart is automatically done. The roots that are made during this session are powerful.

A series of synchronicities will happen after this channeling. Integration will happen smoothly over a period varying from three weeks to three months, depending on your mission in life. Messages from the great Divine Self are transmitted to you concerning mission in life is and the steps you need to take to feel happy on earth. Line Dagenais works at the level of prosperity and joy. Several messages are made directly through the Universe of Love, the divine Self and sometimes messages are received from deceased loved ones.

This first channeling session is quite important on earth right now, as it releases all your gifts of Love. The channeling with clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairfeeling easily develops following this session. If you already work in energy, it can quintuple your prosperity, your customer base, the number of people who come to see you. If you work just to pay your bills, you may consider it can help you be happier in your work, better balanced and in perfect divine health on Earth. This concludes the explanation for this channeling phase 1.

Thank you, goodbye!

Click here to see la Phase 2 Click here to see la Phase 3 Click here to see la Phase 4

Private Channeling - Phase 2

(text received by channeling)

Through this channeling session, your universal life mission becomes a truth for everyone here on Earth. If you are already into your life mission, you may, following this session, become multidimensional and known worldwide. A person who is already working in the energy might get many more contracts, customers or gifts. A person who normally works, can develop extrasensory gifts equivalent those of a person with 20 years experience in energy work.

This session is equivalent to becoming multidimensional in the services which the person offers to the earth. It means that the channeling feeds you in a cosmic, intra-terrestrial way, describes the cross of balance, from top to bottom and right to left, three dimensions. Your life gets easier and more fluid. Your channel gets wider and brighter. Protection from the Universe is greater and stronger because this channeling provides intense radiance, allows anchoring to the new Earth and anchoring your heart in the heart of Gaia and in the heart of the Universe . Your prosperity will be enhanced. Your love for humans, animals, environment and nature (Gaia) will also increase.

Should you have any disease, it will be transmuted into pure light. Your cells will be regenerated. Eternal youth will move into your cells. The core of each of your cells will expand further. The fusion of each cell will be easier, more powerful. You will also feel unconditional love for yourself first. You will get stronger, more energetic, more powerful to ensure that the merger of Gaia with the new earth will occur more quickly and that all your gifts are returned to you. This one hour and 15 minutes channeling session is done smoothly. As soon as your commitment is made to yourself, with yourself, to the Universe and with the Universe you will be experiencing great joy, serenity and a deep love for who you are on Earth. You will remember more easily your life mission. You will channel beings of light that accompanied you so far on Earth. I encourage you to get through this session to accelerate your evolution process on Earth and in the Universe. See you soon, I'm here for you.

Divine Love, thank you, goodbye!

Click here to see la Phase 1 Click here to see la Phase 3 Click here to see la Phase 4

Private Channeling - Phase 3

(text received by channeling)

I am Divine Love. I channel through Line Dagenais which is a very powerful and very valuable channel on Earth. We are proud of that inspired Being.

A Phase 3 channeling session will enable you to regain your youth at the age that suits you, from the age of 20 years. Your spiritual maturity will get multiplied by 1 000. We are on earth right now to balance light and shadow, to allow light entering into the shadow and vice-versa.

A channeling of this magnitude will bring you back your interplanetary, interstellar and multidimensional life mission. Your roots will be longer and wider, deeper and more universal in all spheres of your life. You will get a balance life, love, joy, prosperity and perfect divine health. The original cell of God will be multiplied, your energetic cell will be transmuted into light in such a way that the diamond shines within you, in each of your cells in a permanent, constant and happy way.

When we talk about life mission, note that the third phase tells you that the mission of life is no longer one. This becomes the joy of Being. Being is universal, what you think is what is created and activated in your life. Then you will be total love since everyone wishes joy on Earth and in the Universe. You will be in contact with the very highest levels of love, very luminous beings and your divine Self that will be connected directly to your heart. You will be able to see, hear and feel this love. Following that session we better understand what "heaven on earth" means. Luminosity is everywhere. What was bothering you before is simply transformed into love.

This channeling is very effective and powerful. It reaches in yourself in a subliminal manner, smoothly and powerfully. Some breathing exercises as well as physical exercises will be required in order to improve the awareness of your body of Light on Earth. Your pineal gland will be strengthened, you will be able to know, to be aware of the past, the present and the future, of all the divine plans simultaneously. It no longer is the linear line, is the present moment. We look forward to meeting you.

Thank you, good bye!

Click here to see la Phase 1 Click here to see la Phase 2 Click here to see la Phase 4

Private Channeling - Phase 4 - Phase Infini

(text received by channeling)

We are seeking for your help to reduce suffering on Earth and in the Universe. That channeling session will allow you to regain your eternal youth. The eternal youth of the body, perfect health in all areas of your life, wealth, welfare, joy and permanent love. Of course, people around you won't recognize you because you will get younger. Every cell in your body will get younger through this multi-dimensional channeling, which is also very physical. We do a lot of work at all levels of physical pain that are present now in the physical body. Energy structure, atom is regenerated. You will be able to live very long on earth should you so desire. You will also have the gift of transmuting into your light and return to your physical body.

This treatment is in propensity on Earth right now. When you receive this healing energy which is very favorable for those wishing to extend their life on Earth and perform miracles, then it will not be a miracle to go back to the age of 20, 25, 30. It will be the universal law as our channel of love Line Dagenais will be able to open up the divine cell, the original cell of divine love that will become perfection. Your perfect body with perfect health and perfect action will create a sublime perfection in your life of love on Earth. You will be able to travel from one place to another with your thoughts and your heart. Several gifts will be given back to you. The gift of ULTRA CLEARVOYANCE, the gift of love, the gift for creating "the uncreatable," the incredible, the gift of forgiveness, the gift of creating in a prosperous way all your thoughts and everything you need to create in a physical way. Your radiation will be such that many human beings on Earth may have trouble seeing you as their vibrations are too low. As we speak about the gift of transparency, the gift to pass through the fire without being burned, the gift of healing like the great healers of all time, the gift of animating inanimate matter on earth, the gift of illuminating each person that you meet and the gift to be unattainable by the shadow, by destructive thoughts or non-love emotions.

Following this channeling, synchronicity will ensure that you will not need a "face-lift" nor a surgery to rejuvenate. Everything will happen in energy. All of your glands that have been improperly used will be restored and will find eternal youth. We wish you this gift. Of course, to get all these beautiful divine qualities, you need to first go through the first three phases. Then you can open your heart for this healing energy which is now open for everyone who desires so.

Thank you, good bye!

Click here to see la Phase 1 Click here to see la Phase 2 Click here to see la Phase 3

Group Chaneling

Line Dagenais is pleased to offer a channeling of Divine Love as a group meditation. Line sings with sacred words (ancient Egyptian) and anchors the Divine Love in your heart.

Each meditation is unique and a vortex is created with love in the room so that everyone can enjoy this beautiful energy. The vortex created will remain in place as a protection and a tool of transmutation into the light.

Following this channeling, synchronicities take place in your life to create an opening to your life mission with joy, love, prosperity and perfect divine health.

This is a great experience to live so you can feel the magnificence of Divine Love on a small scale. This could lead you to receive an individual channeling session, should you desire. This will generate a much more powerful experience in every areas of your life at the level of your life mission.

We can meet people at their home or in a larger place. A minimum of 10 people is required and the price is 50$ per person including the hosts, since their gift is the vortex installed in their house. Children are allowed. The maximum number of attendants depends only on the size of the room. We had groups of 110 people and the comments were excellent.

Line also attends energy shows and organizes special events. You can follow her on this website under "special events" tab.

Book in advance since she will be traveling more and more in the U.S. and Europe.


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